Causes of Illness and Symptoms

Causes of Illness and Symptoms 1. What are the causes of physical ailments? 2. What is a body? 3. What is the healing of illnesses and symptoms? Resolving Concerns
Causes of Illness and Symptoms 1. What are the causes of physical ailments? 2. What is a body? 3. What is the healing of illnesses and symptoms?

1. What are the causes of physical ailments?

 Illnesses, symptoms, and other physical ailments are self-protection. I suffer from illnesses, symptoms, etc. because I do not really want to do what I was going to say or do at the time. When I move in the direction of what I really want to do or stop moving in the direction I don’t want to do, illnesses, symptoms, and other physical ailments cease to exist.

2. What is a body?

 When I do not move in the direction I really want to go from my environment (e.g., other people, substances, etc.) to the direction I really want to go, my body will appear to have a different condition. The appearance of an abnormality in the body is a final sign that I want to move in the direction I really want to go. Diseases, symptoms, and other physical conditions can lead to death for no other reason than the reason I want them to.

3. What is the healing of illnesses and symptoms?

 There is no absolute law that is common to all illnesses, symptoms, and other physical ailments, such as, “If I do this, I will be cured. The cure is to enjoy what I want to do so much that I don’t care about my physical condition anymore. No matter what condition I am in, I must continue to discover, say, and do the things that I enjoy.

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