What is Awareness?

What is Awareness? 1. Why is noticing necessary? 2. What is knowing oneself? 3. What is living? Resolving Concerns
What is Awareness? 1. Why is noticing necessary? 2. What is knowing oneself? 3. What is living?

1. Why is noticing necessary?

 The reason awareness is necessary is because I know what I want to do now. When I become aware, I feel the urge to do it. Awareness is not something I want to have.

2. What is knowing oneself?

 Awareness is knowing oneself. It is possible to know oneself without becoming aware. It is possible to know oneself through the verbalization of feelings and thoughts. Knowing oneself is active awareness.

3. What is living?

 To live is to be anxious. Awareness transforms the anxiety of living into love. Love can only be born from anxiety. To live is to transform anxiety into love.

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