
dissatisfaction language art philosophy consult counsel trouble love myself more Loving Myself More
dissatisfaction language art philosophy consult counsel trouble love myself more

 A request came from a company president who was dissatisfied with his employees.

“They don’t do what they’re told. They only do unnecessary things I haven’t asked for,” he vented his frustrations.

Listening to someone’s complaints for too long can be unpleasant.

“Complaints about others are essentially saying you have no power,” I thought, but I refrained from delving into the president’s complaints.

Then, I realized, “Maybe it’s because I’m always finding faults in others and judging them as wrong,” recognizing a habit of my own mind.

The next time I spoke with the president, he seemed bright and refreshed both physically and mentally. He expressed his gratitude, saying he was changing the events in his world with his own mind. I remember feeling a sense of accomplishment from this feedback.

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