Emotional People

Emotional People 1. What is Emotion? 2. Why Do Emotions Exist? 3. Enjoying Emotions Rather than Eliminating Them 4. Daily Life as Enjoyable Changing One's Behavior
Emotional People 1. What is Emotion? 2. Why Do Emotions Exist? 3. Enjoying Emotions Rather than Eliminating Them 4. Daily Life as Enjoyable

1. What is Emotion?

   Emotion is an expression of love. Being emotional means expressing that expression of love. As an entity of love, you possess emotions as expressions of that love. Your actions should not just express emotions but should express the love inherent in your existence. The more you express emotions, the further you stray from the essence of love.

2. Why Do Emotions Exist?

   Emotions exist because you want to be aware of your existence. You feel emotions to realize that you are an entity of love. After recognizing your nature as an entity of love, you continue to experience emotions to reaffirm this realization. Without emotions, you cannot recognize or be aware of your existence as love.

3. Enjoying Emotions Rather than Eliminating Them

   Trying to suppress or eliminate emotions is itself an emotional response, as it arises from not wanting to experience undesirable things. Instead, enjoying the fluctuations of emotions is key. By observing changes in your mind, emotions, and feelings, you can reduce emotional behaviors and the intensity of emotional fluctuations. Embrace the process of enjoying fewer emotional behaviors and smaller emotional fluctuations.

4. Daily Life as Enjoyable

   By enjoying the emotions that arise within you, emotional behaviors will diminish both in yourself and in your interactions with others. As you deeply experience emotions, everything becomes positive for you. Each day turns into a series of experiences related to things you like, enjoy, and want to do.

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