1. Finding What Is Fun Right Now
Regardless of what happens, what you do, or what others do to you, think only about fun things. Focus on what is convenient and positive for you, and improve your mood and feelings. The worse your mood, the less likely good things will happen to you. Finding something fun right now should be your top priority and most important task.
2. When to Act on Fun Things
Once you think about fun things, find them, and improve your mood and feelings, start acting on what is easy for your mind and body. Improving your mood and feelings should be your dedicated effort. The longer you stay in a bad mood, the more likely unpleasant things will happen to you.
3. What Happens When You Think Only About Fun Things?
To avoid experiencing unpleasant things, make a dedicated effort to improve your mood and feelings. When you think only about fun things, the amount of enjoyable experiences in your life increases. The more you engage in enjoyable actions and speech, the more fun experiences you will create for yourself and others.
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