1. What is growth?
Growth is a change in thinking. It is diversification in the definition of things. Growth is not about getting bigger or being able to do something, but about being able to think about a thing from more than one direction.
2. What is change?
Change is all the changes that a change in thinking brings about. Everything changes with a change in one’s way of thinking. Change is the constant in everything.
3. What are purpose and goal?
Purpose or goal is the path you want to take. A purpose or goal is something you like, something you enjoy, something you want to do. The path you walk to achieve your purpose or goal cannot achieve that purpose or goal if there is something you dislike, something boring, or something you do not want to do. Growth, a change in mindset, cannot be achieved except by continuing to say and do what you like, enjoy, and want to do. To achieve our goals and objectives, we must grow.
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