
Money 1. What is money? 2. Money is everything 3. Fighting negativity Resolving Concerns
Money 1. What is money? 2. Money is everything 3. Fighting negativity

1. What is money?

 It is a substance that has the opposite direction of evolutionary growth.

2. Money is everything

 A state of being constantly concerned about money and the substance that lies beyond it, such as “Nothing can start without money,” or “Everything can be done because of money,” is heading toward degeneration and decline.

 When you are concerned about people and substances other than yourself, instead of your own feelings and thoughts, things happen to you that you don’t like.

3. Fighting negativity

 Trying to cope with the emotional ups and downs of anxiety and fear is not the evolutionary growth you originally want to head for, but is going in the direction of degeneration and decline, and unpleasant events will occur.

 All words and actions that deal with feelings and thoughts are a denial of oneself. When you try to say or do what you really feel or mean, or when you say or do what you really want to say or do, this negativity can come out. I believe that people attribute it to demons, spirits, or other invisible entities that harm people.

 The only way to shake off this negativity, let it go, and say and do things that are true to one’s true feelings and true intentions is to not experience things that are unpleasant to one.

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