There is no foolproof manual that guarantees you will find a life partner by following specific steps. However, there are some things you should be aware of before finding a partner. I recommend asking yourself some questions and getting in touch with your true feelings.
First, why do you want a partner who will stay by your side for the rest of your life? Even on your own, you can live happily, and if it’s just to fill a sense of loneliness, there are other options besides having a partner. If your desire for a partner is primarily for financial reasons, ask yourself if you would still want a partner if those issues were resolved.
Next, consider the things you can enjoy precisely because you are single. For example, the freedom to do what you want, when you want, as much as you want, is something only possible when you don’t have a partner. When you find yourself wanting a partner, it’s often because you’re only focusing on the positives of having one. By looking at things from various perspectives and angles, you’ll find that you can be content either way.
Finally, think about what might happen after you have a partner, such as if your partner chooses to leave you or passes away. There are countless stories of people wishing they could have spent more time with their partner or wishing their partner could have lived longer, but those wishes didn’t come true. If you understand not only the best-case scenario of having a partner but also the possible downsides, you can search for a partner and spend time with them with fewer regrets.
The future is uncertain. Even for the near future, we can’t predict what will happen. If you find yourself emotionally swayed by the desire for a partner, try considering it from various angles and aim to reach a state where you can naturally think, “I’m okay with or without a partner.” This, I believe, is the state in which you are most likely to find a partner.
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