
Poverty 1. What is poverty? 2. What is success? 3. How to Avoid Struggling with Money? 4. No Problems if You Act on What You Really Want Becoming Happier
Poverty 1. What is poverty? 2. What is success? 3. How to Avoid Struggling with Money? 4. No Problems if You Act on What You Really Want

1. What is Poverty?

 Poverty is when a lack of money makes life unenjoyable. A person who enjoys life despite having little money is not considered poor. Poverty is defined by the lack of enjoyment in life due to insufficient financial resources.

2. What is Success?

 Success is characterized by having few unpleasant aspects in life. Anyone who is able to enjoy life freely and infinitely is successful. Success is about liking yourself and being true to what you really want to do. In essence, success is self-acceptance and enjoyment.

3. How to Avoid Struggling with Money?

 To avoid struggling with money, do not focus on making money or increasing assets. Instead, find and engage in activities that you find enjoyable. The continuity of enjoyment is not a struggle. The way to avoid financial difficulties is to keep doing what makes you happy.

4. No Problems if You Act on What You Really Want

 Acting on what you truly desire does not lead to problems or difficulties. While you may need to think about finding enjoyable activities, it does not lead to distress or suffering. Understanding and recognizing what you truly want in life will help you navigate your life more easily.

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