1. What is work?
Work is an extension of play. When you make play, which is what you like, what you enjoy, and what you want to do, into a job, it becomes your job for life. Work that is what you really like and what you enjoy and what you want to do is your role.
2. What is a role?
A role is what you most like, enjoy, and want to do in your life. You can be made aware of your role and keep doing it until you decide to keep doing that role. If you are aware of your role and say and do the things you do, nothing unpleasant will happen to you.
3. What is living?
To live is to discover what you really like, what you really enjoy, and what you really want to do, and to continue to say and do those things. The only way to converge with what you really like, enjoy, and want to do is to continue to say and do what is true to your mind and body.
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